comments 20
Ghost735653.....Be like it's isn't right but jerks off to it like no one cares dude. Your opinion is irrelevant besides aren't they basically immortal due to having their soul in the robots so they don't age dumbass
Ghost735653.....It's funny bc you probably watch all of it and jacked off just to hate comment it like
How do people cum to this it fake it looks like a kids game go watch real porn you little shit and I cant tell if all the people on here are kids or full grown people cant tell what is worse I mean probably being a and watching this shit buy It dose not matter because all of you are going to hell and by
So let me get this straight not only are you using a kids game to make porn Your also making a fake grow man fuck a fake little kid it does not matter if their fake it still weird as hell all of you people need serious help ok get help or kill yourself because you are useless
Cassidy doesn't know she's doing it