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Mar 9, 8:42 AM

Nov 2011
Luke is the hero this story deserves. Not saying he's carrying the show but he's definitely lived up to his character role.

But yeah, that town got hit hard and Luke was on the frontline fighting the good fight. This is also one of those episodes Natsuko truly showed fear.
Mar 9, 8:55 AM

Feb 2019
The episode title of “Chaos” was so apt for this week’s Zenshu, this was so hard to watch. It’s crazy how my entire perception of MAPPA is gonna come down to whether or not this gets a happy ending. I NEED Luke and Natsuko to be happily married or go to the real world or something, but this is looking bleak right now.

Seeing the town decimated and everyone so depressed about the voids. QJ and everything else is rough. I love and hate Luke’s commitment to duty. It’s so admirable that he knew the people were anxious and scared so he shared his food with and stayed with them. I hate how he always feels he has to shoulder the burden alone, though. It’s no one’s fault for what happened besides the voids!

Unio ironically does the same thing, they’re so worried about Luke, they’re not thinking about themselves. Gotta be hard to see someone show up and be the answer to your best friend/crush’s problems, but that’s how love goes sometimes.

So we had that whole arc with Memmelm trying to summon the void and them stopping her and convincing her that life was worth living, just for her to go right back to it at the end lmao?? Surely she got something up her sleeve, right? This whole voidism cult is giving witch’s cult from RZ

OMG that ending! Natsuko and Unio swallowed up by the void?? Maybe that’s the key to solving this whole thing. I feel like the director is pulling some strings too. Still a ton of mystery I need the next ep badly. One Zenshu a week ain’t enough
Marinate1016Mar 9, 11:40 AM
Mar 9, 9:50 AM

Jun 2019
The story has gone back to its original self. That means, everything has gone depressing. It has gotten even worse than what it was before Natsuko appeared. Everyone has turned against Natsuko now and are trying to kill Natsuko, and only Nine Soldiers believe in her. QJ was one of them.

The story played just like how it was in the original, but now in place of Destiny, it's Natsuko's turn. That Void has sucked in Natsuko and Unio and have disappeared, and if the story continues to play how it was in the original, we're going to have a very scary episode next week with Luke. Things have changed so quickly in this show. Natsuko wasn't able to change the fate of this world, so far.
Mar 9, 9:53 AM
Jul 2024
While it might be too soon to tell. Yes, Luke, the answer is violence.

QJ and the master were definitely into something. While everything seems to be repeating (like history always does), there might be one chance of everything changing. We'll see
Mar 9, 10:24 AM
Sep 2015
At first I though the situation can't be worse than the previous episode but it seems like I'm wrong after all. And I'm afraid the next episode will be even more despair.

This is the episode that let the animation step back so that voice actor/actress can lead the story with their voice, their skill to shake the audience's emotion to the core.
Mar 9, 10:36 AM

Mar 2021
Damm things went to shit quickly now that the townspeople have turned on Natsuko I just hope both her and Luke survive and can be happy together.
Mar 9, 10:36 AM

Sep 2007
Goddamn... this story took a way different turn than I expect from its beginning.
Mar 9, 10:36 AM

Jan 2009
fake news or disinformation really destroys society it happens in real life too damn

anyway i do not see a tragic ending for this anime at all given the title zenshu means redo so natsuko will redo the whole tale of perishing plot to be a good ending one
Mar 9, 10:41 AM

Apr 2015
Holy shit, everything escalated so quickly in this episode, I can't even...when I wished for Luke to be in despair, I didn't mean it like this! ...No who am I kidding, I'm fucking loving this more than I should lol. Even the next episode is titled "despair."

But man, fuck these villagers wtf. They all went from hailing Natsuko as a hero but instantly turned on her when things went south. What selfish pricks. It seems something is at work here that is forcing everything to parallel what happens in the OG script. I can't imagine what comes next. Next week can't come sooner enough. But I can't believe this type of show would have anything but a happy ending, so I'm positive Natsuko is still somehow alive.

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
Mar 9, 10:53 AM

Feb 2025
The more I saw the villagers wanting to kill Natsuko, the more I thought "yeah, it's useless, they deserve destruction"
Is it that easy to turn against someone who protected you before? Well, maybe in their situation it is easy, who knows...
I'm hyped for the next episode, we're so close to the end

Imouto suki

Tsundere-Chuuni-Imoutos save me...

Mar 9, 10:54 AM
May 2022
The bits where reality is trying to force itself back into place, especially with Destiny, make no sense and the humans in this are absolutely disgusting. Luke should enact justice so they get what they deserve
Mar 9, 10:54 AM
Jul 2024
Man, this one went DARK. I guess this World is going to end, like it's Creator intended. One way or another.
Mar 9, 11:41 AM
Jan 2022
this show deserves more love
Mar 9, 12:10 PM
Dec 2017
Reply to Sheol01
Man, this one went DARK. I guess this World is going to end, like it's Creator intended. One way or another.
Sheol01 said:
I guess this World is going to end

Welcome to Japan or anime industry in particular... They have so many world ending and / or post-apocalyptic titles, such as:

Blue Gender (pretty obvious origin of Zenshuu's VOIDs, though SF rather than medieval iseakai)
Even if the World Ends Tomorrow (Ashita Sekaiga Owaruto Shitemo, has a nuke attack)
Girls Last Tour (Shuumatsu Shoujo Ryoko)
Made in Abyss (the Abyss eats world every 50k years or so)
Neon Genesis Evangelion (probably?)
SHELTER (which is apparently not anime or is it?)
WorldEnd / SukaSuka (Shuumatsu nani shitemasuka, isogashii desuka, sukutte moratte ii desuka)
... heck, even the famous children's anime Kemono Frends takes place in a post-apocalypic world sans humans
Tacsk0Mar 9, 12:14 PM
Mar 9, 12:11 PM
Oct 2022
They told us Luke was going to get emotionally brutalized from the very beginning and still made it incredibly impactful when they made good on it.
Mar 9, 12:13 PM

Jul 2024
"You know its Natsuko"

"What is a better life? One knowing you only live long enough to see the end of days? Or one with hope?"
False hope or truth, which is better? A profound question. Your answer of course depends on who you are. "…the folk of Beor were more steadfast in endurance of hardship and sorrow, slow to tears or laughter; their fortitude needed no hope to sustain it."
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Mar 9, 12:18 PM

Jul 2019
AAAAnnndd im back to disliking an episode from this show. Dont get me wrong, its kinda the same writing wise as other episodes in a way, basically decent ideas with not great execution. the thing is, this episode made something that i have always heavily disliked, and i always had a big bias agaisnt. Which is forced drama/tension. the villagers just having a switcharoo and just hating/wanting to kill natsuko literally makes no sense. Sure, the powers the enemies have now are the same as natsukos, but its been literally a single battle. It just doesnt make any sense for them to randomly start feeling as the world is completely doomed. Also, if QJ was the ever first hero to die, maybe, MAYBE i would have understood, because it would be a big change in people lives, but no. So many have already died, this really aint anything new. Like, dont get me wrong, im not saying that big events cant change the mind/opinion of the public, it obviously can and has happened through out history. But it needs to make sense!!! It just feels as though they wanted to mirror what happened in a tale of perishing anime without thinking how to really get to it in a natural manner. Again, this show just tries to throw around ideas without really thinking how to stich them together.
I will say, i doubt i will dislike the next few episodes as much as this one, as once more, this episode just does something that i just personally have a really big bias against, and i doubt the next few episodes will be like this.
Mar 9, 12:25 PM
Dec 2017
Reply to kumorikami
The more I saw the villagers wanting to kill Natsuko, the more I thought "yeah, it's useless, they deserve destruction"
Is it that easy to turn against someone who protected you before? Well, maybe in their situation it is easy, who knows...
I'm hyped for the next episode, we're so close to the end
kumorikami said:
Is it that easy to turn against someone who protected you before?

Living in a country bordering on the Ukraine, I can mention that V. Zelensky just got spun from hero of freedom and democracy to a rabid war-mongerer by US alt right mainstream media, way faster than Natsuko and the Void vladimir putin is now idolized instead as the end of all... Real life is crazier than anime!
Mar 9, 12:30 PM

May 2015
What a horrible situation the Nine Soldiers have found themselves in. The timeline is turning into a darker version of the movie, the lack of food has the town hysterical, and now Luke thinks Unio and Natsuko are dead.

Watching the plot get railroaded towards destruction like this reminds me of that meme, where you can win what is intended to be an impossible battle. But the cutscene will still show you losing!
Mar 9, 12:31 PM
Oct 2024
Bro 20 min went by in a flash
Mar 9, 2:08 PM

Nov 2013
Things going from bad to worse. I suppose we'll get info on how voids work and who's behind them next chapter, considering Natsuko got absorbed and we all know she can't be dead.
Mar 9, 2:11 PM
Aug 2023
holy shit omg?.. nastuko & unio r dead?

Mar 9, 2:19 PM

Dec 2016
What a cliffhanger!

I am speculating that Natsuko will wake up from her real world food poisoning coma next episode. Not sure about Unio though… would be excellent if they got reverse isekai'ed.

Can't wait~~~~~
Mar 9, 2:31 PM

Jul 2024
LaPokota said:
Not sure about Unio though…
Natsuko did mention that Unio has the most merch available in the Real World.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Mar 9, 2:32 PM

Jul 2021
You draw, things get worse. You don't draw, things get worse.

Quite the turn. It's getting uncomfortably dark with existential crisis and the mass hysteria.

Is this really the same show that had mecha missile barrages and Tiger Mask? I can't tell where this is going...
Mar 9, 2:37 PM
Sep 2024
This isn't right... It's too much for me!! I can't wait another week, and I don't want what seems to be going to happen to happen...
Mar 9, 3:10 PM
Oct 2019
best episode by far imo
Mar 9, 3:19 PM
Nov 2022
Well, it left me speechless, the first time this season that I feel some expectation for the next episode of this anime xddd
Mar 9, 3:35 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to Tacsk0
Sheol01 said:
I guess this World is going to end

Welcome to Japan or anime industry in particular... They have so many world ending and / or post-apocalyptic titles, such as:

Blue Gender (pretty obvious origin of Zenshuu's VOIDs, though SF rather than medieval iseakai)
Even if the World Ends Tomorrow (Ashita Sekaiga Owaruto Shitemo, has a nuke attack)
Girls Last Tour (Shuumatsu Shoujo Ryoko)
Made in Abyss (the Abyss eats world every 50k years or so)
Neon Genesis Evangelion (probably?)
SHELTER (which is apparently not anime or is it?)
WorldEnd / SukaSuka (Shuumatsu nani shitemasuka, isogashii desuka, sukutte moratte ii desuka)
... heck, even the famous children's anime Kemono Frends takes place in a post-apocalypic world sans humans
@Tacsk0 Yeah, I've watched World's End & Eva, after the trauma of WWII, I guess happy endings elude some people in Japan.
Mar 9, 4:05 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Like the name of the episode title, Chaos has descended into the Last Town after being hit hard by the Voids and losing QJ. The people have turned against Natsuko now that they realize the Voids can imitate Natsuko's drawings causing the rumors of her being the Ultimate Void to spread quickly. The Ultimate Void rumors have brought the Voidism worshipers out of the wood work as a result of Mem's plot not being fully resolved and now Mem is with the other elves trying to use a forbidden magic spell. Everything is happening almost the exact same way as the original Tale of Perishing as the world is trying to fit back into its original continuity that results in a bad ending. This is continuity can bite you in the ass as a creator if you keep changing things without warning. Luke is going to reach his breaking point as the next episode is titled "Despair".
Mar 9, 4:24 PM
Mar 2021
In the End, everything was the same?
Damn we got (What if) version of A Tale of Perishing.

2 Episodes left to tell us why she come to this world and why the "Hatsukoi" was never got mentioned again.
Mar 9, 4:39 PM
Feb 2022
I really wonder how this is gonna end and will it be happy or sad
Mar 9, 4:40 PM

Aug 2020
once again, it was a great ep

people were laughing at the beginning even if it was obvious that we were going to have sad moments...

no more laugh now...

can't wait to see the next one...
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Mar 9, 6:30 PM

Sep 2018
Man, these sorts of mobs in anime are incredibly annoying to watch develop lol
Mar 9, 7:34 PM

May 2016
If you think about it, you know what's going to happen: the world in A Tale of Perishing is going to end, all the characters(especially Luke) are going to die, and Natsuko's going to wake up in a hospital room in the real world, where she's going to use her experiences with the Nine Soldiers(and her feelings for Luke) to finish the anime project she started on.
"Genki is Life, Genki is Love"
Mar 9, 8:07 PM
Mar 2015
Our gril is not destiny She disappeared into the void before the townspeople took it down
Mar 9, 8:10 PM
May 2016
So it's basically identical to the movie now? They do realize the show itself said the movie sucked, right? Is the irony lost on them?
Mar 9, 8:12 PM

Jul 2024
tywhoppity said:
she's going to use her experiences with the Nine Soldiers(and her feelings for Luke) to finish the anime project she started on.

She is getting a lot more out of the experience than that. She begins as emotionally stunted. She landing by the last town she has had growth in:
etc, list some of your entries
next week, apparently, she gets to learn more about despair. Or maybe that is for another character.
It's about a childlike mind learning how to be human.

An interesting speculation is what the end story is going to teach her. Will it be hammering home mortality, that all things end,pity and pathos for an entire lost society? Will it be the exultation of a victory? Followed by a realization that it is only temporary? A front runner is the loss of a love, and how important is the limited time you have with many others. Whatever the final lesson for her is, I presume the story will put it on blast.

A unquiet thought, if this is happening all inside her dreams, then she has had these in her inventory before, so, what the hell happened to her to drive them down into her subconscious? It is it just an unexplained anime thing that you can bring out of you subconscious something you have never had before?

The real twist will be if there is any reality to what she is experiencing, but most clues, particularly recycling faces from her real kingdom into the Nine Kingdoms, tell us that it is inside her.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Mar 9, 8:46 PM
Oct 2019
Reply to Marinate1016
The episode title of “Chaos” was so apt for this week’s Zenshu, this was so hard to watch. It’s crazy how my entire perception of MAPPA is gonna come down to whether or not this gets a happy ending. I NEED Luke and Natsuko to be happily married or go to the real world or something, but this is looking bleak right now.

Seeing the town decimated and everyone so depressed about the voids. QJ and everything else is rough. I love and hate Luke’s commitment to duty. It’s so admirable that he knew the people were anxious and scared so he shared his food with and stayed with them. I hate how he always feels he has to shoulder the burden alone, though. It’s no one’s fault for what happened besides the voids!

Unio ironically does the same thing, they’re so worried about Luke, they’re not thinking about themselves. Gotta be hard to see someone show up and be the answer to your best friend/crush’s problems, but that’s how love goes sometimes.

So we had that whole arc with Memmelm trying to summon the void and them stopping her and convincing her that life was worth living, just for her to go right back to it at the end lmao?? Surely she got something up her sleeve, right? This whole voidism cult is giving witch’s cult from RZ

OMG that ending! Natsuko and Unio swallowed up by the void?? Maybe that’s the key to solving this whole thing. I feel like the director is pulling some strings too. Still a ton of mystery I need the next ep badly. One Zenshu a week ain’t enough
@Marinate1016 idk to me but it looked like Memmelm wanted to put QJ back together again??? And bringing someone back from the dead would definitely be a forbidden art lol.
Mar 9, 9:47 PM
Sep 2016
Im just like... Ahhhhh. Is it next week yet?
Mar 9, 9:53 PM

Dec 2023
Reply to Tacsk0
kumorikami said:
Is it that easy to turn against someone who protected you before?

Living in a country bordering on the Ukraine, I can mention that V. Zelensky just got spun from hero of freedom and democracy to a rabid war-mongerer by US alt right mainstream media, way faster than Natsuko and the Void vladimir putin is now idolized instead as the end of all... Real life is crazier than anime!
@Tacsk0 Did you actually just now realize that or are just using an example? Crazy has always been a part of people and the world and those recent events are far from the craziest thing that's gone around in the world. Politics aside, because that topic alone is crazy enough as it is, people can easily get spun and change opinions, it happens all the time. The world has had very good people get torn down and treated like villains many times before, and of course the opposite also.

Not to be that guy but the world can't really be made as simple as "good and evil" and it never could be. Someone being made out as a hero, and someone being made out as a villain is oversimplifying things the vast majority of the time. You'll find that many "evil" people had a lot more going on than the actions people saw and made them out to be evil for, and same thing goes for people made out to be a hero.

I've found that the biggest hero's in the world always go unnoticed anyways as shocking as that sounds.
Mar 9, 11:20 PM
Mar 2024
Reply to Xiao
Holy shit, everything escalated so quickly in this episode, I can't even...when I wished for Luke to be in despair, I didn't mean it like this! ...No who am I kidding, I'm fucking loving this more than I should lol. Even the next episode is titled "despair."

But man, fuck these villagers wtf. They all went from hailing Natsuko as a hero but instantly turned on her when things went south. What selfish pricks. It seems something is at work here that is forcing everything to parallel what happens in the OG script. I can't imagine what comes next. Next week can't come sooner enough. But I can't believe this type of show would have anything but a happy ending, so I'm positive Natsuko is still somehow alive.
@Xiao just like how everyone was about to start turning on her in the real world for not delivering the new show too
Mar 9, 11:26 PM
Mar 2024
I'm really hoping MAPPA sticks the landing here. I think they have a solid shot. I just hope they're not winging the plot. It feels like they're building towards something.

I kinda expect her to go back to reality with newfound wisdom and the ability to solve her problems. I just don't want it so basic. They can't let luke and the director bird go without some proper resolution. There needs to be some deeper meaning to the madness. What are they trying to tell us?? What was A Tale Of Pershing REALLY about?

Also... is this only going to be one season? with this pacing I am wondering if everything gets wrapped up and this is it.
Mar 10, 12:15 AM

Sep 2020
On of the best Isekai I have seen. It's doing something different from the other recent Isekai and I love it.
Mar 10, 12:43 AM
Nov 2018
This show is getting hella intense, jeeeeez what an ending. This might be the most excited i've been since the 1st episode to see what happens next.
Mar 10, 1:44 AM
Aug 2021
Marinate1016 said:
The episode title of “Chaos” was so apt for this week’s Zenshu, this was so hard to watch. It’s crazy how my entire perception of MAPPA is gonna come down to whether or not this gets a happy ending. I NEED Luke and Natsuko to be happily married or go to the real world or something, but this is looking bleak right now.

Seeing the town decimated and everyone so depressed about the voids. QJ and everything else is rough. I love and hate Luke’s commitment to duty. It’s so admirable that he knew the people were anxious and scared so he shared his food with and stayed with them. I hate how he always feels he has to shoulder the burden alone, though. It’s no one’s fault for what happened besides the voids!

Unio ironically does the same thing, they’re so worried about Luke, they’re not thinking about themselves. Gotta be hard to see someone show up and be the answer to your best friend/crush’s problems, but that’s how love goes sometimes.

So we had that whole arc with Memmelm trying to summon the void and them stopping her and convincing her that life was worth living, just for her to go right back to it at the end lmao?? Surely she got something up her sleeve, right? This whole voidism cult is giving witch’s cult from RZ

OMG that ending! Natsuko and Unio swallowed up by the void?? Maybe that’s the key to solving this whole thing. I feel like the director is pulling some strings too. Still a ton of mystery I need the next ep badly. One Zenshu a week ain’t enough

"One Zenshu a week ain't enough"

you can say that again!
Mar 10, 2:39 AM
May 2021
The best episode I've ever watched, so good!
Mar 10, 3:28 AM

Feb 2022
Ahh yes it's all according to Tzeentch plans...
Mar 10, 3:57 AM
Sep 2021
Reply to deg
fake news or disinformation really destroys society it happens in real life too damn

anyway i do not see a tragic ending for this anime at all given the title zenshu means redo so natsuko will redo the whole tale of perishing plot to be a good ending one
@deg As someone who's lived in Japan and who's JLPTN2, I can assure you, 全修 does not mean 'redo'. In fact, it barely resembles anything of a word at all to be honest in standard Japanese. You won't find it in any dictionary, that's for sure. I think the author coined the word honestly. Given its not in any dictionary, you have to break it down using its kanji. 全 - all/complete/entire/ and 修 conduct/(to) master (a subject, your studies etc).. simply put literally the meanings could be many things but probably along the lines of "complete study" "comprehensive learning", "mastery", or "total practice", reflecting the protagonist's journey of personal and professional growth, as she navigates the complexities of both love and her craft as an animator. So in a sense, you aren't wrong per-se.. as she's having to re-learn everything to professionally grow and master her work. But it's definitely not a literal translation by any stretch. "Total practice" makes the most sense given the context of the series. A literal translation doesn't exist so, that's the best I can do.

It's an interesting word actually the more I think about it, and makes sense in a way. Mainly because 修 is used for many things to do with self improvement 改修 (Kaishu) Improvement (one's self) - 修業 (shugyo) - Pursuit of knowledge - 修まる (Osamaru) - To reform oneself.

So in a way, its not about her 'redoing' the story, its about her growing as a professional to complete the task at hand by reforming herself and the way she thinks about love, storytelling and everything in-between to save the world she was dropped into.

But yeah I'm not sure where you heard that translation before, but people tend to translate Japanese words that sound weird in English into something a bit more abstract that makes sense/sounds better. Hope this helped your understanding of the word a bit, and maybe intrigued you into learning a bit more about the language ;), it really is a fascinating language.
FenyyMar 10, 4:07 AM
Mar 10, 5:00 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to Fenyy
@deg As someone who's lived in Japan and who's JLPTN2, I can assure you, 全修 does not mean 'redo'. In fact, it barely resembles anything of a word at all to be honest in standard Japanese. You won't find it in any dictionary, that's for sure. I think the author coined the word honestly. Given its not in any dictionary, you have to break it down using its kanji. 全 - all/complete/entire/ and 修 conduct/(to) master (a subject, your studies etc).. simply put literally the meanings could be many things but probably along the lines of "complete study" "comprehensive learning", "mastery", or "total practice", reflecting the protagonist's journey of personal and professional growth, as she navigates the complexities of both love and her craft as an animator. So in a sense, you aren't wrong per-se.. as she's having to re-learn everything to professionally grow and master her work. But it's definitely not a literal translation by any stretch. "Total practice" makes the most sense given the context of the series. A literal translation doesn't exist so, that's the best I can do.

It's an interesting word actually the more I think about it, and makes sense in a way. Mainly because 修 is used for many things to do with self improvement 改修 (Kaishu) Improvement (one's self) - 修業 (shugyo) - Pursuit of knowledge - 修まる (Osamaru) - To reform oneself.

So in a way, its not about her 'redoing' the story, its about her growing as a professional to complete the task at hand by reforming herself and the way she thinks about love, storytelling and everything in-between to save the world she was dropped into.

But yeah I'm not sure where you heard that translation before, but people tend to translate Japanese words that sound weird in English into something a bit more abstract that makes sense/sounds better. Hope this helped your understanding of the word a bit, and maybe intrigued you into learning a bit more about the language ;), it really is a fascinating language.

AI Overview

The Japanese word zenshû (ぜんしゅ) can mean "complete works", "everything complete", "full repair", or "whole collection". It can also mean "redo everything" or "fix them all".

How Zenshû is used in the anime industry
In the anime industry, zenshû is often used to refer to redoing or remastering.

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